Today, My Happiness is…Brené Brown!

I have gained much confidence and trust from the writings of Martha Beck.  Through continuing work with Martha, from a workshop to an intensive eight-month Life Coach Training Course, I am learning to follow my Personal Compass and Follow My Calling as a helper and a healer.

But, it was reading Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection and I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t) that allowed me to be comfortable in my own skin as who I am, with all my imperfections.  Dr. Brown explains how courageous it is to share your vulnerability, but how essential that vulnerability is to find connection and compassion.


Dr. Brown has a new book out, Daring Greatly.  She also appeared this Sunday on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday for the first part of a 2-part interview with Oprah.  All I can say is that what Dr. Brené Brown expresses about vulnerability and authenticity resonates so strongly with me that I found myself moved to tears often.  Thanks to Oprah for taking the time to have such a worthwhile conversation.