What’s Next?

Here it is–Day 31 of my Posting Challenge! I have found this a valuable exercise.  I have done my best to write something fresh, personal, and worthwhile each day.  I hope you have enjoyed and/or benefited from my words. I have learned some more about myself.  I...

No Vacations…and The Next Challenge?

Alright, hide the kids and proceed at your own risk–this is going to come out straight, no chaser! I (we) just got back from a lovely, adventurous, fun vacation, and I have this gnawing question on my mind: Why do we (I) need to take a vacation from our (my)...


A few days ago, my wife encountered a teapot.  She’s a tea drinker, so I thought she would be interested in using the teapot.  The teapot was stained inside from use, so my wife filled it with hot water and soap and let it soak. The next day, she spent a good...

Art, Ordinary, Beauty

Today was a full, bright, happy kind of day.  We walked in the sunshine toward the water and on the boardwalk, joining the weekend crowds in finally enjoying a summer weekend day that was not stormy or miserably hot. Owners watched their dogs run with other dogs and...

A Moment’s End

The other day, I asked my new friend Nathalie, an artist, how she knew when a painting was done.  I am paraphrasing, but she explained to me that she uses a multi-layered process, so the first half, even more, is a building up, without a real plan of knowing where the...