
  Disappointment: When our thoughts of how things should be collide abruptly, sometimes violently, with the reality of what actually IS. Which leads us to: Who would you be without this thought?

Class IV–100 Words for Martha

The Ring of Fire is rough work.  I strive to remain gentle and compassionate, while continuing to lean in and forge unrelentingly forward.  Dream Analysis has proven powerfully insightful for my clients and me.  I believe it unfetters the mind and ego, allowing truth...

How Much is Enough…for You?

I want to share a wonderful article delivered to my Inbox this morning.  What I enjoy is that this seems an uncharacteristic perspective from a financial sort…which, in my opinion, makes it fresh and poignant. How to Be Happier With Your Money, by Morgan Housel....


Today, My Happiness is…A Fulfilling Schedule! –Time with Self, Writing –Run on Nature Trail –Great Work with Client –Acupuncture –Creativity in the Kitchen–concocted a pasta sauce with chicken sausage, zucchini, tomato, onion,...