aham brahmāsmiI recently watched the documentary “I AM” by filmmaker Tom Shadyac.  Shadyac sets out to identify the underlying cause of what’s wrong with the world, and ends up discovering a lot of what’s right with the world.  I found the film inspiring and thought-provoking.

The film introduced me to the concept of “elevation.”  Elevation, as defined by Jonathan Haidt (Haidt, 2000), is a warm, uplifting feeling that people experience when they see unexpected acts of human goodness, kindness, and compassion.  It makes a person want to help others and to become a better person himself or herself.  Since learning of elevation, I have noted how often I experience it.  There is a warm tingling through the neck and upper chest and a wave of emotion, as the vagus nerve releases oxytocin at simply witnessing a compassionate act.

I love recognizing this clear flood of compassion and connection in me.

Today I was chatting with my Coaching Buddy.  We had an enlightening conversation.  There was validation of our coaching practice–honoring and holding sacred space for another.  How important, loving, and valuable this practice is.

Afterward, this brought to mind the Hafiz poem Martha often quotes–

“Troubled? Then stay with me, for I am not.”

For the first time, I saw a different meaning from these words.  Previously, I’ve wanted to be the one to provide the space from trouble.  Today, though, I saw the importance not in who is providing the untroubled space, but in the existence of that space and the community to share that space.  My ego wants to be the provider, but the reality of my humanity is that some days I’m troubled, some days I am not.  The art of my journey is in opening to community for which we share an untroubled space.
