

Am I willing to be that person?  Am I willing to be the one who is the most afraid, the most in need, in the most pain, feeling the most lost?

What does it mean to be that person?  What does it mean not to be?

This is a profound transformational question for me.  This is a root of my Tree of Truth.

What does it mean for me to be willing to be the least among us?  Am I strong enough in heart and mind, in spirit and compassion, that if one person must have the most difficult struggle, I want it to be me; simply because I am not above anyone, and I don’t want any other to hurt or struggle as much?

What does it feel like to be in need, lacking; seen as a beggar?  That thought scares me–judgment of self and others; shame.  Does it scare me so much I’d be willing to sell myself out?  Sell out my Truth?

That’s a scary and vulnerable-feeling admission.  There is a part of me, though, that knows my practice and journey is about Knowing My Truth, and that would be unshakeable.

So I wonder.  What would I do?  Would I be strong enough, and live and speak my Truth?  Can I be a beggar and not see myself as less?  Can I help another and not see them as less?

One thing I feel is that I would never have absolutely nothing.  Even if I had no food, clothing, or a place to stay, I would have my Truth, my indomitable, unwavering connection with The Universe, The ALL.

I am the least, the most low, and yet I am still the Divine of the Universe.  I am the least, and I am still Whole Love.

Each soul I meet is The Divine and My Teacher.  I learn from them all, from everyone, and I am brought closer and higher by each of them.  I am the least, and together we are Whole!