Which way to Purpose


On my mind is understanding Purpose.  It’s easy to say, and feels true, that “living my purpose will bring deep satisfaction and fulfillment to my life.”  But, what does that really mean?

I put purpose in the same category as calling.  And, for me, calling has been described in those stories like “even when I was six, I knew I would…draw, work with horses, swim.”  You’ve heard them.  Or, in exploring different interests and curiosities, doing one thing suddenly resonates so loud and true, like a blacksmith’s hammer striking a molten-hot piece of iron.  The kind of ring that pierces the middle of your brain and makes your teeth ache in your jaw.

Which must be nice, to receive such a clear “GO” signal from the Universe.  Even though, I’m sure one’s calling comes with it’s own set of challenges regarding actual implementation–“I can’t actually pay my bills by drawing; I’ve never even ridden a horse; How can anyone make a living by swimming?”  Self-doubts and social norms can be just as stifling to those who have been called.

But, what if you haven’t been called?  How does one find his/her purpose?  What does Purpose even mean?

To be clear, I believe there is a big difference between finding your purpose and making a living.  But, that’s more gut-intuition than anything substantial, and that’s not to say someone living his/her purpose won’t be making a good living.  But, let me break down what I mean.

I can do a job that I don’t enjoy at all, but practice and perform the necessary skills.  I may gain a small amount of satisfaction from that performance, but I won’t be fulfilled.

I can do a job that calls upon skills and abilities I enjoy.  I’ll have a good time employing my natural skills in a job that earns me money; so, my satisfaction may be greater because I’m doing something I enjoy, and I’m building security.

I can do a job that serves–that benefits others and improves lives.  There is an even greater reward in that, because it provides connection and love for me.

And a job that serves the world and calls on the skills and abilities I enjoy has got to be very satisfying and fulfilling.  That is pretty great.

Finally, beyond all that, is purpose.  Something that not only do I enjoy doing and comes naturally, but that not doing makes me feel uncomfortable and empty.  Something I need and desire to do, or else I feel lost.

And, for healers and menders, doing this thing, your Purpose, puts you in connection with the World; plugs you in to the Flow of Energy in the Universe.

I want to explore Purpose.  I need to touch upon My Purpose every day in a mindful, connecting way; to energize me and allow that energy to fuel my work with others.

I want to talk purpose.  I want to hear what you think.  My idea of Purpose is still forming and taking shape, like the clay on the potter’s wheel.  Help me shape my understanding of Purpose.  Please tell me your Purpose, and how you discovered it.  Or what you’ve tried that hasn’t worked.

Finding Our Purpose can be the adventure of a lifetime, probably only second to the next chapter–Living Our Purpose.

Where are you in your journey?