January 31, 2016—Day 30 (WD 311)

Good Morning, Dear Creator! This morning, the sun rose before I did; at least by a little bit.  But, there is much I look to do this day; and, as with all things, getting started is an important beginning step. How I start my morning, these pages, and my day is a...

January 30, 2016—Day 29 (WD 310)

Welcome, Gentle Spirits! Every morning, as I wake and begin my day, I imagine the presence of something not only bigger than just me, but greater in an awareness and comprehension sense; the presence of You. And I feel grateful – for the Wonder and Beauty in this...

January 29 2016—Day 28 (WD 309)

Peace and Namasté, Universe. Thank you for meeting me, here on these pages, and in my life, day after day.  Maybe the biggest lesson I’ve been learning is that, no matter how far off-track I might feel, how lost I think I am; you are always right here with me – I am...

January 28, 2016—Day 27 (WD 308)

Welcome, Great Guide! “To need help and not ask is hiding in fear and remaining closed and stuck.  To ask for help is to be courageous, embracing love and hope, encouraging healing and change in one’s own life.” – Turtle & Lama Dear Creator, I feel the pull toward...

January 27, 2016—Day 26 (WD 307)

Oh Happy Day, Great Spirit! Thank you for your love, help, and support creating these pages each morning.  I hope together we are creating a space and place that is attracting and connecting with people who find the content and ideas we’re sharing thoughtful and...