Sunrise Pages

Good Morning, Dear Creator!

This morning, the sun rose before I did; at least by a little bit.  But, there is much I look to do this day; and, as with all things, getting started is an important beginning step.

How I start my morning, these pages, and my day is a choice, provided in this Universe of opportunity and potential by the serendipity and synchronicity of all the other choices in the World – mine and others.  You’ve created an amazing mosaic; living and breathing, flowing with incredible motion and energy.  Every moment offers choice, change, surprise, mission, and purpose.  Thank you.

For these thirty days, and many days before that, I’ve chosen a certain routine to start my day.  It begins by preparing the coffee maker to brew a pot of coffee.  As the carafe fills, I wait until there’s enough for the first cup, and pour that off; usually into my “Life is good” green mug.  Then, I grab a sheet or two of lined paper, grab my clipboard, and settle on the couch in the living room, pointing myself toward the windows, where I can see the day beginning, and the world outside.

With that, pen meets paper at the top of the page, and I write the date and record the number of writing days.  Then, I listen to what feels right, starting with how I address the day’s pages.

So, that is how each day, and their Sunrise Pages, begins.

I’m not a regular list-maker, but I recognize the value in organizing and prioritizing goals.  There are times when one of my first steps for the day has been to list items and intentions I choose to focus on for the day, even as part of my Sunrise Pages.

It probably comes as no surprise that I regard list-making as a tool that we can use; not as a hard and set rule, but with flexibility to maintain balance while optimizing our energy and results.

One intention I have, as this first month of the New Year closes, is to reflect on last year.  Jeannine Gury, my coaching buddy, and I decided to take stock and evaluate this past year; differentiating our focus on personal, professional, and family aspects.  We will then share our efforts with each other, for accountability and feedback.  Such is one of the gifts of partnership.

For my part, I was concerned that if I just re-created a list of “Goals for 2015,” I might quickly get discouraged: lack of growth and revenue in my business; and, in many ways, things being physically scattered and tumultuous – in large part, attributed to our physical transition from Massachusetts to New Hampshire.

As I could sense the overwhelm generated from that process, I’ve been guided to focus on the quality of my life in 2015.  Defining success and satisfaction in qualitative terms, instead of quantitative, was something I was taught last year.  (So, that’s a win).

Also, as we moved, I realized – physically, mentally, and emotionally – the power of stripping down and de-cluttering my environment and my life.  I still have much more to do, but I saw that I have the ability and talent to do it.  (Win)

Within and throughout the transition of moving, I’ve been able to stay focused and balanced, remaining positive and optimistic, looking forward and finding joy in the adventure of challenge and change.  (Win)

My wife and I have grown closer and leaned on our communication with each other through moments of challenge and overwhelm.  (Win)  But, we’ve also reached out, making contact and building relationships with new friends and colleagues, strengthening and deepening our individual root structure.  (Win)

I wrote résumés and interviewed for different jobs, learning about the process and myself along the way.  (Win)

I found a job interacting with colleagues and customers, in a market with a focus on outdoor adventure.  I’ve enjoyed myself, and the opportunity and experience.  I’ve rediscovered and strengthened my self-confidence.  I’ve also had the chance to get outside and get active.  (All Wins)

Maybe most importantly, I spent the year practicing my craft of coaching, developing my coaching muscles and building muscle memory with deep practice, moving toward unconscious competence.  I’ve re-connected and remembered the satisfaction and fulfillment I get from following my whole, loving heart and living my Purpose.  (Huge Win)

So, that is the State of My Present, in regard to my journey through the last year.  I see it as mostly successful, joyful, and satisfying.  But, it has certainly been challenging.

So, you see – those things don’t have to be exclusive and separate.  In fact, in life, they rarely are.  I mean, maybe the only way we get to joy, success, and satisfaction is by rising through challenge.

Let’s keep Surfing the Waves – Right, Spirit Guides?