Sunrise Pages February

Peace and Love this Morning, Great Spirit!

Well, this curious winter continues on – yesterday morning was bright and sunny; but, by the afternoon the skies turned gray, as flurries began.  Last night saw steady snow; and, this morning is a messy wintry mix, as temperatures rise, eventually predicted to peak near 50°F this afternoon.  It will be slow-going, being cautious, on the drive to work in these conditions.

As I’ve stated before, this weather helps remind me that there’s a freshness and an unknown newness to the reality of each moment – despite the best predictions and the most sophisticated computer-generated models, we never truly know what will exactly happen.

Sometimes it’s small stuff, like running errands and trying to guess the fastest-moving line, or how long the drive will take from Point A to Point B because of traffic.

But, sometimes, it’s really big stuff – a lump you notice one day, or the phone call from the doctor’s office requesting you come in for a follow-up; your boss telling you that you’ve been let go; the phone call where you learn a loved one is seriously ill, or has suddenly passed away.

Life can change so dramatically and unpredictably.

Some people react to that Truth by being in constant worry; fearing the “bad” stuff lurking around every corner.

That’s one strategy.

There’s a story I‘ve heard, about a teacher who had this very beautiful, ornate, delicate teacup.  He showed it to his small group of students and explained –

“I see this cup as already broken; because, one day it will inevitably be broken, be lost, and be gone.  I don’t hide it away in fear of that day; because, I would then rob myself of the pleasure of using it today.  What would be the point of even having it, if all I did was keep it hidden away to protect it?  Wouldn’t I have already lost it, then?

Instead, I use it, with appreciation and gratitude.  I enjoy it.  And, when it is broken, I will not miss it, because I already see it broken.  Seeing it as broken actually helps me find appreciation and gratitude for it in the present.”

Can you see where your life and your friendships are like the teacup?  The satisfaction isn’t simply in the preservation, and maybe worship, of the idea of them.  The satisfaction and richness of your life and your relationships is in the daily use of them – the messiness, the knots, the ups-and-downs.  The fractures, and the repairs, where things grow stronger.

There is an inevitable end to each of us, and to all our relationships.  The teacup will get broken – somehow, someday.

Don’t keep these things moth-balled away, too scared to lose them that you never touch them and never use them.  Because, when you do that, you’ve already robbed yourself of them.

There’s something I wanted to say about the strength and fuel of giving.  The story of the teacup came out instead.  Maybe giving will appear here tomorrow.  Who knows?

Part of my giving, I realize, is my Turtle & Lama.  It took me until now to understand it was something I’ve been giving that people have told me helps them.  So, I’m glad they dropped in yesterday.

Serving My Heart by Serving Others, through My Creative Expression.  Thanks for My Inspirations, Creator!