Salutations, Abundant Source!
Where shall we go today? What adventures, what lessons shall I encounter? I always anticipate opportunities to practice patience and kindness. Maybe self-care, discipline, courage, or balance. Perhaps the art of letting go.
Certainly, what’s on my mind to do today is spending time and energy starting to revamp the Sunrise Journeys website. That’s a challenge for me, because I certainly haven’t spent the thousands of hours playing and practicing with web design that I have with coaching, writing, or being a peaceful soul.
So, there’s a learning curve in it for me. There’s also latent frustration in that I had spent some time learning and designing the site when I first established it, only to have an update change many features of its appearance some time later.
And, there are tools, like sign-up templates and integration with email lists and scheduling, that I think would be helpful for me to understand and utilize.
I wonder (expect) that the design of the Sunrise Journeys site lacks a clarity and usability for my clients and potential clients.
What do you think? Would you participate and play more, interact more, if the site was designed differently?
So, I’m going to start some investigating about that today, and maybe sketch out a basic look for the site.
After saying all this, let me just put this out to you guys and The Universe – I would love to find someone who digs this kind of work/play, who would enjoy guiding or facilitating Sunrise Journey’s redesign; maybe in a bartering relationship for coaching. So, friends, please share this opportunity with friends who might enjoy this kind of collaboration. Universe – Here I am, putting it out there!
Meanwhile, back to my seat by the window, looking out on the day. Universe, as I remember yesterday, and imagine what might be today, I notice something. And, there’s no grand experience that triggered this; but, I recognize that – at all times, No Matter What, I am not Alone. You are Always There. What Peace there is for me, in that awareness. I am not alone. You are there.
That can be such an essential thing. It’s hard, feeling isolated and disconnected; left out and disregarded. Yet, as I’ve discussed before, many of the thoughts and beliefs that create that scenario are self-generated and self-imposed. Our fears and doubts, our discomfort with vulnerability and the judgment and approval of others, triggers self-isolation and self-imprisonment to “protect” us.
Yet, we do not feel whole when we feel disconnected. Like a tree whose roots have been severed, we feel like we are starving for the nourishment we need, and we feel unstable, unbalanced, and vulnerable to tipping and falling.
No matter what, I am not alone. You are there.
We can dissolve our isolation thoughts; disassemble the walls of our self-built prison. We are in The Universe, always; love and connection, with ourselves and the people all around us, is always, always there.
The air we breathe in and out comes from the breath of everything around us; and ours will be theirs. Our thoughts and creativity, our carbon, physical, mental, and spiritual footprint intermingles with the essence of all else on this planet.
You are not alone. Ever.
The boundaries that mark the edges of you are your creation. Set and exercise the boundaries that serve you in the best ways. This is not always easy, and takes some practice. So, play with them; try to have fun and get creative.
And, it can be counterintuitive to what you’ve learned and what your experiences have been. For example, if you feel disconnected and unseen, the answer may actually be a more firm, closer boundary. Why? Well, rather than trying to be everything everyone else needs, you become more clearly who you are. And that creates a clear opportunity and invitation to your people.
Here’s the thing – if what you’ve been doing isn’t bringing the joy and satisfaction in your life that you want, at some point it’s time to step off that treadmill; time to stop telling yourself you have to keep trying harder to make that work.
I saw a cartoon yesterday; political, I believe, but I saw it as a reflection of our human condition. The first panel had a speaker at a dais asking the crowd, “Who wants change?!”, and every hand goes up. In the second panel, the speaker asks, “Who is willing to change?”, and all the hands go down.
The simple truth is – if things aren’t working, and you want change, then you must be willing to change. And, really giving that change a chance, to get through the initial discomfort of the Unknown. That’s where Intention and Eagle View will serve you.
Here’s a prompt for you, about boundaries:
What boundary comes to mind for you to change and play with?
Create a clear sentence that defines this new boundary for you. Write it down and put it in a place where you can read it aloud each morning to remind yourself of your new boundary. Read it each morning for a week.
After a week, what effect has this new boundary had on you and your life?
Thanks for Always Being Here, Creator!
P.S. Here’s an update – I didn’t get anywhere on the redesign. But, I did get inspired from today’s writing, and created a new Turtle & Lama. Which I really enjoyed. So, I guess I experienced a little letting go, and some creative inspiration. All in all, pretty good.
Love your new Turtle and Lama-also glad your always there