Warmest Greetings, Dear Universe!
So many blessings and kindnesses present each and every day; thank you for all that you provide and make available. Yesterday was a day filled with connections of different kinds – face-to-face, observational, and through the electronic magic of social media. It’s so powerful; to recognize the thread that connects me to all the World.
I rise today with the sun already shining, and a slight haze in the sky. The morning air is warm, so the window is half-open, and the beautiful but unrecognized trill of an unknown and unseen bird drifts in, over the muffled din of distant traffic. It’s not the bird’s fault I don’t know its name; I’ve only studied the most basic of bird guides, and that was so long ago that most information has been forgotten. Even so, I do not need to name, or even see, this morning triller to appreciate its existence, and its gift to the rest of the world; and, to me.
I’m conjuring up a memory of an article I once read, where the conjecture was that there were songbirds that sang just to sing. Of course, as a researcher, I would imagine it would prove difficult to interview songbirds, to ascertain their motivations for singing. And, I’m certain it would be a challenge to get enough songbirds to complete a survey to make it statistically accurate and relevant.
Through observation, the researchers were unable to attach any “need” – occupational or survival – to the singing.
So, is it possible that sometimes birds sing just to greet the morning? Just because they are content? The possibility certainly puts a smile on my face.
But, even if it’s not true – even if there is no message or need driving the bird to sing; consider this – We have that capacity. We have the ability to Sing Our Joy, Dance Our Delighted Spirit, and Shine Our Light.
When I imagine that in this glorious, magical world of ours, there are birds that sing just to sing – well, how can I not take creative, inspired action to express My Joy?
Brothers and Sisters, here is the most magical part – just like when hearing this morning bird I smile; when we openly express Our Joy, we lift the Spirits of All. We are part of a collective consciousness, and it is our ability and honor to have an effect, and to raise that consciousness.
I have talked before about elevation, the physical-emotional response we feel when we witness kindness, compassion, and empathy in others. It moves us, swells our hearts, and creates physical sensations of tingling and warmth in our bodies.
As a community, we are connected. Who are strangers, but neighbors of our neighbors, and friends of our friends. We can raise the consciousness and compassion of our community by seeing each other as individuals, not that different from ourselves.
The truth is that there are also a lot of struggles and challenges in each of our lives. There is pain, sadness, loss, and grief. But, in this, too, we all share a common bond. We all have our struggles; and, even if I don’t know your exact challenge, I know how it feels to have a heaviness upon my heart.
But, when you sing Your Joyful Song, it reminds me of the Miracles of My Life.
Today’s Prompt:
Make a Top Ten List of your Favorite Acts of Joy —
Now, Pick one to do, right now – No Excuses!
Thank you, Little Bird, for sharing Your Song! Thanks, My Guides, for bringing me to hear it!
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