Blessings on this Grand Morning, Dear Creator!
I’m definitely getting in the mood for spring with these last few days, Universe. But, there’s a chance for some snow showers tomorrow, just to keep things interesting. Each season speaks to a different part of me, feeds a different part of my soul. So, no matter the weather, I am satiated.
After all, Dear Readers, which is better – a lazy walk along a gorgeous beach or a rigorous hike up a mountain waterfall trail? A sunrise over a lake or a sunset above a mountain valley? Time alone in silence and reflection, or an evening shared with loved ones?
I could go on, of course. We do that, don’t we? We often compare and rate our experiences, looking to better whatever we’ve done and worrying that we missed out on something more.
It’s easy to state, as I did yesterday, that Joy is already here, available to us all. I wonder how that idea strikes you – does it feel right? Or, maybe it makes sense, in theory. Perhaps you think, “Sure, for you…but not here in my life!” Or, maybe you are just too tired, disconnected, and overwhelmed to get to feel whatever joy might be around you.
I posed the question yesterday, “Who doesn’t want more joy in their life?” I wonder – did you answer that you’ve got all the joy you can handle, thank you very much?
Or, did you have a moment, or longer, when you wondered if more joy could possibly be available to you? Did your heart and mind open for a split second, wondering what more joy could look, feel, and be like?
But, you know, only for a second…because, that kind of day-dreaming and wanting feels so – dangerous. Admitting you want more means admitting to a lack, a deficiency; to “not enough.”
And, admitting our thoughts of “not enough” is dangerous; it’s the quagmire where we don’t meet the approval of others, and we get judged harshly. It’s dangerous, because it hurts. It hurts so much, in fact, that we often judge ourselves even more harshly first, in order to “protect” ourselves from the disapproval and judgment of others.
We walk around in our lives so limited, so self-controlled, and so concerned, that we never risk, play, or create. Because that would open us up to criticism and judgment.
Well, here’s the thing – Risk, Play, and Create – because that’s where Joy lives.
So, the way to Joy is not easy, but it is simple.
The way to Joy in your life is straight through the danger of approval and judgment. Or, more accurately, through your thoughts and fears of the dangers of approval and judgment – of others, and more importantly, yourself.
It seems tough at first; because most of us have been taught to be highly concerned about what others think of us. So, we need to do some re-programming. It’s challenging work, though, because we’ve also been taught to believe that the alternative to being concerned with others’ approval is to be insensitive, uncaring, and narcissistic.
I’m here to tell you there’s some middle ground, where we can care for ourselves and for others. The sweet spot. And, once we get there – there’s a whole lotta Joy!
Prompt for Today:
Share a comment about where you’d love to see more Joy in your life.
Dancing in the Sweet Spot, Great Guides! Much Love!
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