Peace and Blessings this morning, Dear Universe –
Thank you for the fun and inspirations you have shared with me recently. I’ve truly been enjoying my life, which puts me in a better spirit to share my Light and brighten others’ lives.
It is a cycle that spirals upward, elevating me ever higher. When I open myself to a story that feels like freedom and liberates my soul, I see an abundance of opportunity around me. When I dare to engage in those opportunities with curiosity and enthusiasm, I learn and grow, and I fill my heart and soul with experience and joy. As I follow my curiosity and hot tracks, I learn my passions and Purpose. And, when I take inspired, purposeful action, I fulfill my Purpose and connect with All The Universe.
This week, Dear Reader, has been full of activities for me. I tried fly-casting for the first time. I also ran a few times this week, which was more than I typically ran over the winter, because of ice and snow conditions. I even hit some golf balls at the range for the first time this season.
Have you ever tried a new activity, Dear Reader, or one that you hadn’t done in a while, and your body and muscles ached afterward? And, for me at least, as I get older I seem to experience a little more discomfort, a little longer “Spring Training,” at the beginning of each new season.
I’ve always participated in different sports and have enjoyed the challenge of learning new movements and skills. And, I guess I’ve always accepted the soreness and discomfort that comes from using my body in a new and different way. In fact, I’ve often regarded those aches with honor, pleased with myself for taking on and practicing something new. Knowing that, as I continue to practice, my body will get stronger and more comfortable with this new motion and activity.
For me, it is a cost of playing. But, one that I am quite willing to pay. Because, frankly, I believe the alternative is more costly. To stop because of the temporary discomfort would mean stopping just about every and any activity.
I think by playing, persevering through the “Spring Training” period of any activity, and staying active, my body and mind are better for it.
And here, Dear Reader, is where I’m going to make a leap, and I hope you’ll follow.
Our mind and spirit need to play and engage in our curiosity and “hot tracks” as much as our body. Spiritual activities – like mindfulness, daring, risk, failure, hope, and joy – can cause discomfort as we begin practicing them in some new and interesting way.
Just like the rewards we receive by persevering through the “Spring Training” of our physical activities, there are rich benefits to practicing and playing in our Spiritual Realm. Engaging in creating joy and working through the 10-week program of The Joy Diet is a great way to exercise and build your Joy Muscles, strengthen Your Spirit, and improve your Well-Being.
If you want that sort of thing.
Today’s Prompt:
What are a few physical activities you’ve engaged in that took a while for your body to get comfortable with? Can you relate that to a joyful practice you do?
Welcome Spring, Great Universe!
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