Sunrise Pages April

Good Morning, Dear Creator,

Well.  Three full months of Sunrise Pages, My Guides.  It seems a bit like magic to have conjured up a binder so full of hand-written pages of creation.  But, really, it’s just been routine practice.

This daily practice has brought me more in touch with each day, each morning.  It has stretched time, in some ways, so that the three months feel much longer to me.  Or, I’ve been more aware of a greater proportion of them then I think I usually am of my days.

There’s a part of me that has become so accustomed to this writing that I feel uncomfortable imagining not doing it.

You see, Dear Ones, I sit here, still thinking and seeing the world mostly from the perspective of “me, me, me.”  I’m thinking of my list, lining up my “shoulds” that have been piling up over the time I’ve been writing and working.

I, too, stop for a moment, listening to the cacophony of bird calls through my open window on this unseasonably warm spring morning, and I think, “Yes, this is what my heart needs.”

But, I don’t have time for that, do I?  I remember the Thank You notes I still haven’t written, the information and marketing I need to do for my creating joy program, the taxes I still need to prepare, and other writing and applications I need to submit.

Suddenly, I’m not hearing the birds anymore.  Worse, I’m chastising myself for “wasting” any moment that I desperately need to get these other things done.

I’m going to end this morning’s writing here.  I am going to give myself time to stop and listen.  Here’s why – chastising myself doesn’t liberate my soul.  So, it’s not the Truth.  Listening to the morning does feel like freedom, does fill my soul.  So, right now, I’m going to nourish my soul.


For you, Dear One, a Prompt:

Sit for five minutes to listen to your heart.  What is it telling you that you truly need?


Peace and Love, Dear Guides!