Sunrise Pages April

Welcome Creator!

What a magical experience yesterday was, Dear Creator!  To be well-rested, to connect with The Flow during my morning writing, and to have a short shift at my retail job, had me feeling good coming home.

I then did some research about coding and scripting for my website.  I didn’t really get anywhere, and the time and effort spent just drained me.

I kicked myself in the butt, and dragged myself outside last night to walk.  It was crisp, with mostly clear skies.  The stars in the night sky were amazing.  And, except for the occasional passing car, I just about had the streets to myself.

As I walked, I had this enlightening realization of self.  It connects to the vision of constriction versus expansion that I mentioned yesterday.  I am either giving love, radiating love, and in a state of loving; or I am concerned about the judgment and approval of me, and the loss of me being loved.

When I am giving love, there is no attention to me; my awareness is on others.  There is no regard or concern for me.

Now, that may seem contradictory to what I’ve recommended before, regarding self-care and doing no harm to one’s self.

There’s a subtle difference, which I hope will be explained as I go further.

First, I think it’s valuable to look at what it means to “give love.”  For many, many people I know, that definition begins and ends with sacrifice.  That, in fact, the only validation of a loving act is to create self-suffering.

Do you know what I mean?  It’s the idea that I only prove my love by performing some hardship, bypassing some pleasure, or otherwise sacrificing my time and energy in service to another and their happiness.

Now, certainly, to choose to make that sacrifice can denote how I prioritize the other person in my hierarchy of importance.  But, ultimately, it comes from my self-concern.  To register sacrifice, I am concerned about myself and my needs, and how this will be regarded and judged by others.

Me, Me, Me!

I’m not sure if I’ve gotten out of the way of my own thinking to clearly explain this.  And, I don’t feel that describing an example will necessarily help.

Let me just say this – if jumping in a car to go help a friend feels right, then do that.  If holding them in your heart and sending them peace, love, and wellness feels right, then do that.

But, notice if you are jumping in the car because you think the friend might be angry or upset at you otherwise.  Or, if you are considering that others will think what a great friend you are, by your display.

I’ve gotten far away from sharing my insights from last night’s walk.  There was more revealed to me.  But, I feel this subject is important enough that I got stuck here, or My Guides kept me here.

I just want to acknowledge that this can be tough territory –the people that we love, and who we desire that they understand that we love them, may well be the type of people who require a demonstration of self-sacrifice to register our love.

For now, I will simply state this: that is their business.  And, how we respond is ours.


And now, I offer you Today’s Prompt:

Make a list of ten sacrifices that you think show love.  Next, make a second list of ten ways that show love, without sacrifice.

Finally, write about a recent time when you demonstrated love to somebody.  Did it involve sacrifice?


Out of the Flow this Morning, Dear Guides.  Thanks for sticking with me!  Much Love!