Sunrise Pages April

Namasté, Wonderful Creator!

The days have been bright, here, and the temperature has been close to average, and is forecast to get warmer over the weekend.  It’s time to go outside and enjoy Spring!

What a wonder spring is.  It is in the DNA of plants and animals to respond in magnificent ways to the change of season.  The warmer temperatures, more direct sunlight, and longer days release certain hormones and change the chemical composition of all these living things so that leaves bud and shoots grow, flowers bud and bloom, insects mature, birds mate, nest, and lay eggs, and many animals give birth.

How does nature know to do this?  How do simple chemical compounds carry the programming to create and perpetuate life?  There is a wonderful, magical technology that goes beyond the science we understand.

These last few days, Dear Reader, I’ve discussed the phenomena of feeling your feelings, paying attention, and now the wonderful technology of living that sustains our life with each breath.  It’s Wonder – All of It!

We are coded, too – with the hair and eyes of our parents and grandparents, but also the technology of living that calls us to listen to our heart, to move in joy and harmony, to find and cultivate peace, and to move in the simple rhythm of the Universe.

Your feelings are messages – of what you dislike and what pains you, but also of what you love and what calls to you.  Pay attention to those messages, and also to the amazing small miracles existing around you every day.  They can fill you with Hope and Love; they can sustain your Soul.  Finally, trust your Heart’s Voice.  Do what you are meant to do.


Here is a Prompt for you:

Sit Spot.  I’ve described before locating a spot outdoors, where you can sit quietly and undisturbed.  Claim you spot.  Make a daily practice to sit and ground yourself in your spot.  Then, pay attention.  Notice the Abundance of Life all around you.


Thank you, Dear Guides, for Guiding me forward, to Shine and Share My Light!