Sunrise Pages April

Welcome to a Glorious Spring Day, O Creator!

Birdsong and sunshine fill the Morning, Dear Creator!  It is lovely, and I am grateful.

I do not favor any one particular season over others; each has aspects that I love.  I guess I am grateful, overall, for the cycle of the seasons, that creates this extraordinary drama of birth-to-death-to-rebirth each year.

Of course, the science behind it may explain it, but it still seems miraculous in its creation.  Our rotating world creates our days and nights, and our moon gives us our tides.  Our yearly orbit around the sun, plus the tilted axis of the earth, gives us our seasons, our poles, and our equator.

It’s certainly clever of humans to deduce the mechanisms that produce these effects.  Sometimes we presume to tame the wildness, the miracle of things, by understanding them.

I think of the bird that simply is pulled to migrate back north, desires to mate, and then is called to begin building its nest.  Behaviors not driven by thought, but by nature itself.

“O nobly born, remember your true radiant nature.”  It is not, I believe, just about being the most clever.

What might that phrase mean – “your true radiant nature?”  May I suggest that a piece we often omit or dismiss when we talk about human nature is the nature aspect of it?  We describe our thoughts and behaviors – but, what is our nature?

I think that, like the bird’s response to the seasons driven by our spinning, orbiting world, we, too, are guided.  To rest, to play, and to care for one another – our true radiant nature.


Today, I offer you this Prompt:

What does the phrase “true radiant nature” mean to you?  What are some examples when you’ve simply followed that calling?


Dear Guides, please help me to rest, to play, and to radiate kindness, today and always.  Namaste.