Sunrise Pages April

Easing into the Flow of the Day, Dear Creator –

Yesterday was a gorgeous spring day, Guides; and yet, I found myself out-of-sorts and in a funk.  Admittedly, not the most fun.  On a certain level, though, it’s useful information and can provide important motivation for change.

I think it brings me back, ultimately, to authenticity.  There’s all this stuff swirling around us in our living – our expectations, others’ expectations; our dreams and others’ agendas; our desire to fit in and find acceptance and approval, while still expressing our true self; finding and holding a sense of security and home, while exploring, learning, and growing.  It’s all complex and inter-related.  All of it exists and pulls at us at the same time, and any component left unattended gets heavier and calls for more attention.

As our life moves forward in time, these elements spiral in orbit around us.  Our lizard brain shouts out fears that can light each of these elements up.  What to do?

We can practice authenticity.  If we find some stillness and mindfulness, we can ground ourselves in Our Peace and Truth.  From there, we can observe what it is our lizard brain is shouting, and why; without just reacting.  We can see where our social self is trying to rationalize and convince ourselves to accept and live with the places where we are out of alignment with our True Self.

When we feel our heart or spirit is broken, it can really drain our energy and mojo; so finding a way to accept what is can be crucial.  But, we don’t want to put all our focus and energy into that mitigation; we also want to channel our energy toward our True Purpose and change.


So, you may want to give this prompt a try:

What places in your life do you find yourself constantly struggling to accept?  What would it mean to turn downstream and allow yourself to be carried where you are meant to go?


Always moving forward, toward lightness, and lighting my Spirit.  Thank you, Spirit Guides!