Sunrise Pages May

Greetings, Dear Morning and Glorious Sunshine!

The cold, rain, and clouds of the last few days have given way to a bright, mild spring day.  The rain really was a blessing, soaking into the soil, hydrating all the bursting vegetation, and reducing our high fire danger.  The rain has really refreshed and revitalized our green spaces up here.

Still, it is nice to wake up to sunshine, too.

Yesterday was my push through to finish my pre-work for my instructor training for L.L. Bean’s Outdoor Discovery School.  I discussed earlier this week that I was tentative, because kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding are new activities for me.  I’ve been gentle and accepting of my apprehension, but firm in my resolution to persist, tapping in to the joy and adventure that awaits.

I’m excited at the prospect of getting out on the water, introducing guests to the joy of these recreational activities.  I’m gaining deep instruction about how to be safe and enjoy this new dimension of the outdoors.

Taking a step back, I feel really blessed to see the manifestation of my dreams.  First, for many years with my outdoor adventures, I’ve felt a pull toward acquiring first aid training, for my own sake and to help others.  I now have the motivation and means to receive that certification.  In a way, I feel fortunate that I haven’t had to face an emergency without the training.  I look forward to being prepared.

Second, these last few years, I’ve had a completely unexpected opportunity – to learn and play the game of golf on a regular basis.  I always assumed I would never have the means to afford golf.  Yet, I held my desire and intention, and I wound up working at a course and getting a chance to practice and play.  Who knew?

Likewise, for a long time, I’ve been drawn to kayaking, even having a day trip scheduled, only to get rained out.  Now, I have the opportunity to play and explore this new venture all summer.  I’m very fortunate.


And, Today’s Prompt:

Take 30 seconds and make a list of activities you are curious to explore and experience.

Next, sit and consider each activity.  Recognize any apprehension, doubt, and roadblocks that come up, that are hindering the actualization of you doing and enjoying that activity.

Can you suspend, even for a moment, your doubts, and just soak in the joy and excitement to visualize yourself deeply playing in each activity?


My fortune and blessings overflow, Dear Guides.  I am so grateful!