Sunrise Pages May

Greetings, Dear Guides –

The sky is overcast, with showers and afternoon thunderstorms in our area for the next two days.  The forecast for this weekend, as well, is hot and steamy; so, we’ll see what that holds for my first ODS classes on Memorial Day Monday.

There are a few things I’d like to discuss, Dear Guides; if you please.  Maybe my role as an ODS instructor is a good place to start.

Someone raised the question the other day – “How and why would they make someone with no experience an instructor?”  I guess I’m bringing it up here to see what you guys have to say.  Because, I’ll admit it – this is something my old self and my lizard brain have also been asking.

Up to this point, my new self has been open and honest about my inexperience, and I’ve trusted the choices of the powers that be.  Yet, to rationalize it to my lizard brain, here’s the philosophy – tell me where I’m wrong, My Guides –

First, the courses I’ll be leading aren’t intensives; they are geared toward a first-time experience on the water.  In many ways, being new to these sports puts me in a position to be more familiar and understanding of the participants’ experiences.

Secondly, I am a kind, patient, and thoughtful teacher, and that is valued as much as technical ability.  The goal is to provide an enjoyable experience for the participants, and the attitude, encouragement, and enthusiasm I bring will serve that goal.

Anything else?

dHarma:  You are also conscientious, so you are working intently toward improving your skills.  That says a lot about you, and is likely something your leaders saw in you.

Ray:  Well, thanks for pointing that out.

So, a second thing that’s going on is that I’m having a lot of discomfort in my left heel.  I did some research this morning, and one possibility that feels true is plantar fasciitis.  The symptoms that line up are: sharp discomfort upon rising first thing in the morning; I believe it began related to the sudden wearing down of the left heel of my old running shoes; and, the severity of the pain has worsened as I work long shifts on my feet, many days in a row.

dHarma:  This is a reminder for you – first, of the mind-body connection; and second, that your work on your feet at a register is temporary.  You are meant to be coaching and teaching.  Don’t stagnate where you currently are – there’s nothing wrong with that work, but you are built for other things, and this has just been the pathway to get where you are meant to go.

Ray:  Well, it’s interesting that you mention the mind-body connection; because, when I researched stretches and treatments for plantar fasciitis, most of the movements I had been doing intuitively, because it felt good.  Armed with this supportive information, I’ll be more consistent about care.  And rest.

So, speaking of my calling – to teach and coach – I did another inspired action late last night, just following my gut.  Martha Beck just released a new book, Diana, Herself: An Allegory of Awakening, which is fiction, but she describes as “the most practical self-help book I’ve ever written.”

I signed up to host a virtual book club – 12 weeks of exploration and self-discovery, guided by Diana, Herself.  I know this action serves my calling, and I’m excited about sharing this journey with like-spirited, magical Wayfinders.  Dear Guides, please help me spread the word to share this experience and build our community.

Courage is as much thinking in new, authentic ways as it is in taking new and authentic action.


I offer you, Dear One, this Prompt, today:

Listening to Your Body –

Sit and find gentle stillness.  Do a slow body scan, tuning in to each part of your body.  Notice any part of your body experiencing discomfort and pain, as well as any part you can’t seem to feel at all.

For those parts that are uncomfortable, ask each what message it has for you, and what you can do to make it better.

For any part you can’t seem to feel at all – welcome it and send it love.  Notice if anything shifts by holding it in your awareness.


With loving kindness and thanks, My Spirit Guides!