May 6, 2016—Day 126 (WD 407)

Greetings, Dear Morning and Glorious Sunshine! The cold, rain, and clouds of the last few days have given way to a bright, mild spring day.  The rain really was a blessing, soaking into the soil, hydrating all the bursting vegetation, and reducing our high fire...

May 5, 2016—Day 125 (WD 406)

Peace, Dear Creator, May I be well.  May I be safe.  May I live in joy and peace. I return to this, again and again. Even when I think of the concerns and “needs” of my social self – good job, status, good reputation, security, and a network of connections and support...

May 4, 2016—Day 124 (WD 405)

Blessings, Glorious Universe! My journey continues, the path unfolding as I go, created by how I go.  The way I see it, my attitude and intention carve out my path.  Or, maybe it’s that my attitude and intention affect the way I perceive this path I’m on. I think both...

May 3, 2016—Day 123 (WD 404)

Good Morning, Grand Universe! This morning’s air is still, the skies overcast, with brightness breaking to the east.  Everything is quiet; then, suddenly, the call of one bird begins, and soon other, different calls join in. I walked yesterday evening, enjoying all...

May 2, 2016—Day 122 (WD 403)

Dearest, Dearest Creator, Thank you for holding me in the Light of your Grace.  I know I am safe, even when I feel scared; I know I am okay, even when I’m struggling; and, I know I am loved, even when I feel unlovable. My day, today, is out-of-sorts.  Or, I should say...