Welcome, New Morning!
We begin again, Dear Creator. Cup of coffee, sun shining, and clear skies.
I talk all the time about choices – the realization that our whole day is made up of moments of choice; ownership that the direction of our day and our present reality is created and determined by the choices we make; and, that we are empowered to create a new and more satisfying present by choosing differently.
I get what a challenge it can be to see the world any differently than the way you’ve learned and practiced seeing it. You follow many rules on how to behave and live.
The problem is, these rules and behaviors often take you in the opposite direction from your happiness. They are so internalized that it feels really uncomfortable and unnatural to go against them. Or, worse yet, when you’re not paying close enough attention; you just automatically follow the deep ruts that keep taking you in the wrong direction.
Our relationships with work, with family and friends, with our surroundings and environment, and with ourselves, all are what they are because of the rules and beliefs we’ve adopted.
That isn’t inherently bad. But, when the relationship is troubled, or you feel that you just aren’t meeting your potential and fulfilling your Purpose, you need to tear up the Old Rules and start again.
Begin again, like the new day. Beginner’s mind, as Suzuki Roshi writes about. When we become aware of all the choices we actually get to make, and we bravely risk making a different choice and doing things differently, then choice-by-choice and moment-by-moment we change our lives.
I offer you this Prompt today:
Start making a list of all the choices you make throughout your day, starting right now.
For example – To do this prompt or not. Keep reading, or not. Get another cup of coffee or not. What to wear. What to do with your day. Whether to go to work or not (and don’t tell yourself you don’t have a choice – even that you decide).
What thoughts are you thinking? Even your thoughts you select, and you can always choose differently. Are you thinking about a recent disagreement with someone, or noticing the Peace around and within you?
…And so on, hundreds of different-sized choices every single day.
They aim the direction of your life just as surely as where you point your next footstep. Choose carefully.
Dear Guides, thank you for opening my eyes to my Power to Choose!
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