Sunrise Pages June

Good Morning Once Again, Dear Universe –

Where are we going today?  What lies ahead?  What bumps and stumbles, what joys and triumphs?

When I ponder this unknown, Dear Reader, it brings me to the image of the flowing River of Life.  Always flowing on – neither good nor bad; right and wrong don’t really apply.  It simply Is, and that is all.

When I wonder about my day, I see before me a blazed Trail.  It crosses through the forests and meadows ahead, up mountains and into valleys.  Its route is traced on maps.  Yet, today – what will that Trail hold?

We often walk the same section of Trail, day after day.  So much so that we can walk it in the dark.  Sometimes, though, because of that familiarity, we take the Trail for granted and fail to notice the small, subtle changes and wonders along the way.

Traveling to far distant and exotic locations isn’t the only way to be amazed by our World.  Noticing the magical wonder of the seasons, and recognizing the interconnectedness of the plants and animals around us – The Flow of Life – right here, in the place we are, can be just as dramatic and amazing.

I’m organizing a virtual book club for Martha Beck’s latest book – Diana, Herself.  The theme of the book is Bewilderment.  It is a story about un-writing the rules by which we see and act in our world; about getting un-tame, and following our natural instincts and impulses, instead of suppressing them and hiding our True Nature.  To Be Wild – in the joyful sense of living freely, to reawaken to the Wonder around us.



Please, please join me on this journey.  Together, let’s Re-awaken!


Today, I offer you this Prompt:

Once again, visit your sit spot.  How is it different since your last visit?  What do you smell, hear, feel, and see?

Sit, and allow yourself to soak in and register these changes.

Then, ask your sit spot what it notices different in you.  How does it answer?


The ancient teaching says we can never step in the same river twice.  Thank you, Dear Guides!  With Much Love!