Greetings Once Again, Dear Universe!
In each new morning, I find hope.
There was a time when any hope was hard for me to summon, but now that seems a different lifetime. And, at the root of it, I believe that even when I was at my lowest, there was the smallest of hopes – held in my still-beating heart and each breath I took – that things could change, would change.
One of the lessons it took me the longest to learn was to stop trying to force change on all the things I thought were wrong and needed to change, and to allow and accept the changes that were actually happening, and that I really needed.
The biggest change is in how I think, and how I see the world around me, and me in it.
It’s gray and cold on this new morning, and we had overnight temperatures that were low, for the middle of June. I had an AT section-hiker from Louisiana in the store, buying a fleece jacket and rain jacket, as he works on completing his last section, up to Mt. Katahdin. He seemed incredulous that the temperatures were dropping into the 40’s overnight.
“That’s not supposed to happen this time of year, is it?” he wanted to know.
I’ve lived all my life in New England (so far), and I feel it has a pretty good reputation for having unpredictable weather. So, there’s “normal,” and then there’s the variability of what actually happens. Which simply wasn’t what this fellow wanted to hear. Oh well.
I have a golf tournament in Salem on Saturday, for my partner and me to defend our victory in last year’s Two-Ball Tournament. I’ve been spending so much time lately paddling, writing, and creating, that I haven’t been playing any golf. So, I planned on going to the range after my short shift yesterday, to tune up my swing.
Well, my boss approached me a couple hours into my shift to ask if I wanted to work a full day. There was this moment, where I would typically weigh my dedication, feelings of responsibility, and fiscal need. Instead, at the very spark of that moment, I just spoke my truth – “No, I don’t.”
He hesitated. I’m not sure if it was because I had never declined hours before, or if my heart’s statement had only come out as a whisper, or maybe no voice at all. So, I swallowed, and repeated my no. Then, I moved on with my day.
As I sat outside at lunch, the sky was dark overcast, and the wind was strong and gusty. There was a space of time when some sliver of filtered sunlight lighted upon the silvery undersides of the wind-stirred leaves. I sat, appreciating the beauty of the moment, feeling how satisfying it was to my soul to bear witness to such a simple, natural splendor, desiring to hold time for such moments, and to creatively share them with others. Feeling my Calling.
Another blessing, yesterday – my angel, Tinka, a pilgrim from el Camino, was in the store and re-introduced herself to me. I didn’t recognize her, having only met her the one other time, so I was grateful when she said, “I think you waited on me when I was in before. I was going to Portugal to walk…”
“You’re Tinka,” I said, wide-eyed.
She told me how wonderful her trip was, and how she now wants to go back and really do the French route. We talked a little bit about auberges and hostels, and meeting other pilgrims.
“I really hope you get the chance to go,” Tink said.
Yes. Me, too.
And now, Today’s Prompt:
BRG’s. As I write about the Camino, it seems obvious that I can create that opportunity in my life. It’s not so much about chance.
I can set the Intention, versus putting a lot of negative energy into constantly stating that it will never happen.
What is your BRG? Are you willing to pour energy into it, to fill it with your Intention and heart?
Create your image of you fulfilling your RBG. How does that image make you feel?
We are all angels to each other, walking each other home. Thank you, my Dear Guides!
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