Another Day of Adventure and Learning, Dear Creator!
A cold front came through our region yesterday, bringing the high temperature down to just around 60°F, with heavy winds. The clouds and cool temperatures continue today, with the wind lessening a bit.
Sunday we had two Discovery Kayaking Classes scheduled for yesterday. We did get out on the water for both, even in the heavy winds.
Two participants for our first class were actually class-auditors from L.L. Bean corporate. They gave us some really great feedback, and, overall, gave us high marks for really putting participants at ease with our air of calm and preparedness.
For the afternoon class, the winds had lessened a bit at the start, and there were alternating sprinkles and glimpses of sunshine. It was looking promising for our time on the water.
We moved upriver a little quicker and easier than the morning group, but one student was a little guy who was having to work pretty hard. I was staying close to him, and his mom was also nearby.
Because we were sticking to the shoreline, we were protected from the wind; but, as we came around the bend in the river, we were hit by some strong and steady winds.
The wind quickly turned the student’s kayak sideways, and as he struggled to turn it back around, he capsized.
His PFD (personal flotation device, which are mandatory in our classes) brought him right up to the surface, but the wind had already pushed his kayak away from him. I maneuvered over to him, so he could hang onto my kayak, while the other instructor got ahold of the upside-down kayak and righted it, and then we got the boy back in his boat.
He was a gutsy guy. He was wet, but smiling and uninjured, as he paddled with us back to shore for some dry clothes. As we headed back, I paddled over to his parents, to see how they were holding up. His mom said that when she saw that I was right there with him, she knew he was safe.
Consider this Prompt:
Not Routine – That’s how we filled out the incident report for the class.
It’s when things don’t go smoothly, as planned, that the adventure begins, and we get resourceful and creative, and learn about ourselves.
Think of a recent time when things didn’t go as you had planned. Did you stay calm and deal with the new situation, creating a resourceful solution?
Debrief, recognizing what you did well, and notice how staying calm helps you, and helps those around you keep their calm.
Trouble happens; capsizing happens. Thank you, My Guides, for helping me to know that we were well, and we would be safe!
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