Sunrise Pages June

Blessings, Dear Creator –

Here we are, on the verge of summer!  I went for a group hike yesterday evening around a reservoir in the area, and the weather was great!  It was sunny, and the temperature was comfortable, with a refreshing little breeze.


We were joined by two trainers, Steph and Andy, who represent Leave No Trace, a non-profit organization whose mission is to share best practices for outdoor ethics.  As we ambled around the wooded area, they took advantage of teachable moments to share their philosophy.  Leave No Trace has developed Seven Fundamental Principles to guide one’s choices and behavior in the outdoors and shared public spaces.

Andy described ethical outdoors practices as a spectrum – that most people don’t wish to do any harm, but don’t know what the best practices are; so they accidentally or unknowingly make a poor decision.

When he began his role as a trainer for Leave No Trace, he would see some ethical transgression and think, “How dare they?!”

Now, he tends to view it as an accident or oversight, a lack of knowledge and information, and, potentially, a teachable moment.  He’s learned that taking it personally doesn’t serve him or the situation.

The goal, he states, is to increase awareness and lessen our impact on the outdoors.  So, success is when we move even a bit closer to the “Leave No Trace” end of the spectrum.

So, this experience got me thinking about my own personal ethics and best practices.  I can see a real value in simplifying all the complex, complicated relationships and situations we meet and address in our lives, down to some core, fundamental principles to establish go-to best practices.

It takes some time, effort, and introspection to build our core principles.  Reviewing how we showed up in a certain situation, and whether we felt authentic, can be a challenge.  And, I’m not suggesting that we dwell in that story, in the past.

The information and insight we gain from that debriefing can help us craft our core principles and simplify our best practices, so that, in the heat of the next complex scenario, we can more readily choose action aligned with our Integrity.

Not everybody’s core values are exactly alike.  I think that’s part of what I got from Andy’s encouragement toward tolerance and acceptance.  Leave No Trace offers the Seven Principles for those who want to enjoy the outdoors in a responsible way, and really aren’t sure how to start.  Others may disagree with some of the principles, but wholly agree with the philosophy of minimizing our impact on our surroundings.

I liken it to religion, or posted speed limits.  We personally decide how strictly we adhere to those rules.  Ultimately, it comes down to our own conscience, our own values, and what lets us sleep at night.

Part of my take-away from last evening’s walk is that LNT’s Seven Principles is a guide.  Each time I am outdoors, I choose my own behavior.  My goal is to align more and more with the Seven Principles, in respect to myself, others, and the world around me.  My conscience and Integrity lead me, and the Seven Principles are simple, helpful signposts.

Likewise is my goal of aligning with my own Personal Ethics for Daily Living.  Certainly religions, cultures, and societies can impart a framework from which we can start.  But, ultimately, the Principles by which one lives will align and resonate with her/his own Integrity.

I think it’s time to start listening.


You can consider this Prompt:

The Seven Principles offered by Leave No Trace are a great place to start, in terms of Personal Ethics for Daily Living.

  • Plan Ahead and Prepare
  • Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces (Travel lightly, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually)
  • Dispose of Waste Properly (Pick up after yourself, and others)
  • Leave What You Find
  • Minimize Campfire Impacts (Realize and minimize the negative impacts of your actions)
  • Respect Wildlife (Appreciate the Wonders of the World around you)
  • Be Considerate of Other Visitors (Be courteous and compassionate)

How would you tweak this list for application to your practice of daily living?


My goal is my Integrity.  Thank you, My Dear Guides, for helping me to listen and follow it!