The Adventure Continues, Generous Universe!
The weekend will be sunny and hot, high temperatures nearing 90°F, and a slight chance for a pop-up thunderstorm. I’ll be out on the water all weekend, my first classes as a solo kayak instructor.
I’m excited! My first class this morning is sold out, completely full, so I get to dive right into the deep end.
What great is that I have a sense of calm – that I’m ready, I can teach the curriculum, keep everybody safe, and show them all a good time.
With the Full Moon Tour I did on Monday, the Bewilderment Book Club that began on Wednesday, and these Discovery Kayak Classes all weekend, my week has been and is full of teaching, sharing, and adventuring in full alignment with my heart.
To be sure, I do have moments where my lizard chimes in What if something goes wrong?
A part of me thinks s/he goes there simply out of habit, because I have dwelled in fears most of my life.
Another part, though, appreciates this question from my lizard. I don’t want to pretend nothing can go wrong, and then potentially freeze if some crisis does occur.
So, I look at that possibility squarely, and I remember my training, common sense, and resourcefulness. I remember to be thorough and clear in my instruction. I remember to enlist the participants as a team of support on our adventure.
Dear Reader, and Dear Universe – I remember that I am well; I am safe; I dwell in peace and happiness – at all times, including on the water and throughout the classes.
I’ll only have this first time once. It’s something I wish to honor and treasure, and I’m looking forward to it.
Today’s Prompt:
Stretching into the New, the Unknown –
Help yourself extend the borders of your comfort zone by stretching into something new.
Practicing this regularly helps you grow familiar with the thoughts and sensations around doing new things for the first time, it answers your curious nature, and it injects adventure into your life.
Dear Guides – to firsts, to adventure, and to Following my Passion and Purpose! With Gratitude!
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