Sunrise Pages June

Blessings, Divine Creator!

Thank you, Generous Universe, for a wonderful day yesterday.  We traveled many miles on foot, visiting a holy pilgrimage site during mid-day, and then stopping for lunch on the way back to where we are staying.  We got sprinkled on a bit, but luckily avoided the steady, heavier rain showers that came through afterward.

Last evening, we walked to the section of downtown Montreal hosting their Festival International de Jazz de Montréal.  There are some headlining, ticketed shows, but what I love is that there are plenty of shows each day, all week long, that are free and open to the public.

After the showers in the late afternoon, the skies cleared, and the night was filled with Louisiana jazz/blues/funk (one show we attended), and people dancing and smiling, milling about from show to show.  It felt joyful, safe, and friendly to me.  Families, and people young and old, were all having fun and moving to the music.

Dear Reader, have you noticed how often I’m expressing gratitude for what I have received in my day?  I know I once was frustrated about that sort of thing from others I would read – How could they be so fortunate?  Were they exaggerating?  That’s not the way life works – not my life, anyway.

So, Dear One, if my daily fortunes and gratitudes annoy or frustrate you, then please know two things – first, I still have struggles and challenges every day.  Secondly, it’s truly been about changing the way I think and see the world – which may seem like a tough job, but it’s a ton easier than waiting for the world to change in order to meet my expectations.  By opening myself up to accepting what shows up in my world, and doing my best with what I’m given, I’ve found a lot of downstream, easy paddling.  I’ve found a lot of joy and peace.  And, yeah, I’m grateful for that.


Here’s a Prompt you might consider today:

Join in Celebration –

Go to a parade, a church service, an outdoor concert, or a summer farmers’ market.  Soak in the joy and delight of the open, happy spirits all around you.  Let the sights, smells, and sounds fill you up.  Let the pool of happiness lift your heart.  Let your feet tap, your hands clap, and let you smile shine!


So Thankful for Today, My Dear Guides!  Your generosity humbles me, and fills my heart!