Sunrise Pages July

Here We Meet Again, Dear Creator!

Ah – overcast, gray, and heavy, this morning; yet, even as I began to write this sentence, the gray sky is brightening more and more.  I can feel that simple experience – this page I write upon, brightening as it reflects the sky – lifts my heart a little.

So many things, small and large, can influence our spirit and attitude throughout the course of the day.  It just happens to be the way we’re wired; it’s completely natural.  But, I think it’s useful to understand and be aware of those influences.

We can choose to spend time with people who are kind and fun, versus people who are draining and always creating drama; we can choose to make time for stillness and self-care, versus constantly multi-tasking and overscheduling, and, therefore, feeling overwhelmed.

Get inquisitive about what nourishes and nurtures you; what fills you up; what attracts you and pulls you forward.  And then, choose to pursue those things, to make time doing those things.

So, how about it?  Have you allowed yourself to recognize what lights up your Heart; what you are curious about; what you are Called to Do?

What would it mean, to carve out a few minutes, maybe at the very beginning or end of each day, to get still and curious, and listen to the whispers of your heart?  What would it feel like, to know the direction toward which you are called?  To see your signposts, and know Your North Star?

Maybe you worry that becoming aware of that Truth will make you feel more like a failure; will be too heart-breaking.

Maybe.  At first.  But, those are just thoughts.  And, you can practice choosing other thoughts – like seeing yourself doing What You are Called to Do, and Fulfilling Your Destiny.  Or, creating that first Turtle Step in the direction of Your North Star.


For today, I offer you this Prompt:

Make a daily practice of at least five minutes at the same time each day, to sit, get still and peaceful, and then ask your heart what it would most like to do.

Experience that inner knowledge, and then take a moment to record those messages in a daily journal for yourself.

You will be creating your own map and guide book for Your Purpose.

And, if you are struggling with getting still, check out the first two chapters in Martha Beck’s The Joy Diet for guidance.


Guided forward, toward My North Star.  Thank you so much, My Spirit Guides!