Sunrise Pages July

Good Morning, Caring Creator!

The air is heavy and sounds echo, on this foggy morning.  I thought about turning on the air conditioner, but chose instead to open the window, and I’m rewarded with a variety of birdsongs, all brilliant and clear.

What is there to say today, My Spirit Guides?  I squeezed in Deepak and Oprah’s meditation on the first day of their 21-day meditation challenge.

I am feeling stretched and fatigued.  Part of that is being on my feet for full shifts in the store consecutive days in a row.  Part of it, though, is this awareness that there is work I do that fills my days and earns income, but doesn’t feed my soul, and leaves me feeling emptier.

And, I know I resist even the impulse from My Guides to write this, to acknowledge it.  Because, I’ve been taught to be grateful for whatever work I can get, grateful for any income I’m offered.

So, this is a dark place for me.  I feel vulnerable writing this.  I wonder, Dear One, what you’ll think of me.  I imagine it triggering concern in my wife, about our financial stability.  Heck, the darkness is rooted in my fear of financial instability.

But, this is the crux of the climb for me, Dear One.  I am grateful for the job I have, and absolutely thankful for all the joy and opportunity it has delivered to me.

I recognize this is a repeating pattern in my life, where I stretch and grow, only to shrink and stop at the very next step.

I’ve always taken one step, and then stopped.  Then, I’ve allowed all those thoughts and fears that I just conquered to come flooding back and drown me all over again.  I let my lizard convince me that each successful step I’ve taken has just been luck; that doom and failure still await me.  That I’m not really, and never will be, enough.

So – Right Now – I’m challenging myself to continue onward and climb the next step, and the next!


Dear One, I offer you this Prompt:

Make a timeline of the struggles you’ve faced in your life.  Realize that you have dealt with each of these to get where you are.

Take a moment with each to appreciate your strength, courage, creativity, perseverance, and resilience to weather all the storms in the story of your life.

Why would now be any different?


Onward and Upward, Dear Guides; my Spirit is like a helium balloon!