Sunrise Pages July

Peace and Salutations This Morning, Wondrous Creator!

We had some heavy thunderstorms pass just north and south of us yesterday, as a cold front rolled in.  Today will be cooler, the high barely in the 70’s, and the blue skies are filled with some substantial collections of brilliant white clouds.

Last night, with an eye to the sky because we were still under a severe thunderstorm watch, I solo led my first outing, a sunset hike up a fun little trail with a fire tower at the summit.  We were a hearty band of six adventurers who braved the storm warnings and humidity, and we were rewarded with great views and a dramatic sky.

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Gratitude, abundance, good fortune.  I remember a time when a dear friend asked me what it was that I wanted to do (with my life).  Doing this was a part of that cloudy vision – sharing the outdoors with people, and leading them on adventures that challenged them and help them discover the world and themselves.

That was probably close to twenty years ago.  It took me a long time to let go of what I did have in my life; because, I was working so hard at trying to convince myself that what I had was enough, and because I feared that if I lost what I had, then I would struggle and suffer more, and wind up with even less.

It took the loss of loved ones, including this dear friend, to shake me enough to keep asking myself, “Is this really enough?  What are you waiting for?”

Do you ever ask yourself that question, Dear One?  “What are you waiting for?”  It’s as if it comes from somewhere outside you, some other; repeating that infernal, basic question – “What are you waiting for?”

I remember, as a kid, everything seeming like a virtual race.  So, it was always, “On your mark.  Get set.  Go!

For those twenty years, it was like I kept waiting for someone to holler, “GO!”

Then, I finally realized the person to say “Go!” is me, and to Go is no more scary, and just as playful and challenging, as those imagined races I ran when I was a kid.


Dear One, here’s today’s Prompt for you:

Beginner’s Mind –

Make a list of your Top Ten Things you’d love to try.  Now, tap into the adventurous spirit you had as a child – when you had little experience, so everything was a new adventure.

Imagine being 9 or 10 years old and day-dreaming about the items on your list.  Tap into your 10-year old’s spirit of excitement and enthusiasm.

Ready.  Set.  GO!


My vision has always been here, waiting for me.  Guiding me.  Thank you for helping me get here, Dear Guides!