Sunrise Pages July

Sweet Morning Greetings, Dear Creator!

Look at the wispy clouds draped lazily in this baby blue sky.  All the signs of another gorgeous day.

Even when I get up, like today, by 6:30 a.m., I have long missed the sunrise.  Dear One, I just wanted you to know that.  I’ve named these Sunrise Pages, but I don’t often place myself to see the sun rise.

I wonder if that’s a shift coming to my future.  When I imagine it, there’s a pull, an attraction toward the idea of getting up and out to experience lots of sunrises, in lots of places.  And, the grander effect that that would have on my daily living.

For now, I’m definitely experiencing and capturing more sunsets.  Not enough of those, either, when I think about it.

I’ve been doing the Oprah & Deepak 21-Day Meditation Challenge that started last week.  I’m a few days behind, but I’ve meditated more in the last ten days than I had in the previous six months, I’d bet.  At least, formally.  Walking, running, writing, kayaking, hiking, and so many other activities do have a sense of meditation for me, but I’ve not been doing any kind of formal mindfulness practice lately.

It’s good.  The guidance I followed last night discussed living second-hand experiences – thoughts, actions, and behaviors governed by our concerns and awareness of others, versus living first-hand experiences – living authentically, guided by our own desires, purpose, and heart.

How much of our day is filled with second-hand living – doing what we think we “should,” trying to meet expectations, real or imagined, of family, loved ones, work colleagues, and society?  How much of our day is doing what we are called to do, following our heart and filling our spirit with Purpose and Joy?


So, here’s a Prompt for you:

As you journey through the next two days, exercise the practice of identifying each thing you do as first-hand or second-hand living.

You may wish to keep a list and tally up how your day balances out.


Change begins with awareness, Dear Guides – So, Thank You!