Well, Good Morning, Loving Universe!
Here we meet, with pen and paper, at the start of another day. I so often just sit and wait, listening. And, then you appear. Stories, events, and thoughts that you weave together, forming a message and revealing insights to me that have been so valuable.
We’ve done this over two hundred days in a row, now, where we’ve composed these pages each day, and then shared them with the Universe. Two hundred. And, you’ve asked me to reflect on that – what it means about me and what it disproves, and how it has come to be.
Alright. I can do that. With your guidance, as always.
So, what leaps to mind is that it disproves that I’m a quitter; that I don’t persist. Yet, to be honest – my lizard immediately starts discounting the 200, pointing out that the year isn’t nearly over, yet. And even after that, says the lizard, I will at some point stop writing, and then I will still be a quitter.
Which actually informs me of something really valuable – my lizard can be just horribly impossible to please. To impress. To…satisfy.
That sheds light on what’s been one of my problems – allowing my lizard to lead, when he is so difficult to satisfy, has consistently left me struggling, feeling like nothing is good enough, and that I am not enough.
Two hundred is significant. It is more routine and consistency than I have probably ever experienced.
And, daring. Let’s not forget how frightening it seemed, the idea of opening myself and my pages up for the world to see.
That fear was just thought. Nothing horrible happened. I’m fine. I’m better than fine. I’ve learned about myself, and my life has moved in incredible ways in the last two hundred days.
And, we’ve found each other, Dear One. If I weren’t doing this, would our lives have intersected? Hopefully, as much as I’ve gained, these pages have helped you discover your inner voice, investigate your Calling and Purpose, and explore the Wonders of Your World!
So, Dear One, for my Prompt today, I ask you this:
Would you please post a comment below, sharing something you have discovered or experienced through our shared journey together with these Pages?
A small, simple act can move mountains. Thank You, Dear Source!
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