Sunrise Pages July

Greetings to The New Day, Generous Creator!

Well, I’m a little closer to the sunrise this morning, Dear Source.  The sky is brightening, but the sun is not yet full in the sky.  These next few days I’m due in to work earlier, so I’ll be rising early.

With that comes some constriction, as I get concerned about having enough time and space to hear and transcribe the message of my daily journaling.  Yet, it’s not worth fretting.  Whatever happens will be okay.

I’ll be out paddling tomorrow, instructing the kayak classes.  It’s been two weeks since I’ve been on the water, and I’m looking forward to teaching again and getting back out there.  It’s another situation I’m getting constricted about, concerned about remembering everything to cover, and doing it all “right.”  But, I’ll use my mindfulness tools to remain balanced and calm, and I’ll mentally review my class to be prepared.

I mention these things to share that I still, and may always, have moments of concern and doubt.  What’s different now is that I no longer cling to those doubts and allow myself to really spiral down into anxiety and fear, like I once did.  Now, I consciously see that path as just one option, and I instead make the choice to calm my fear, to recognize that I am okay right now, and to understand that I create the possibility of a best outcome when I stay open and positive, and allow my true self and my creativity to flow freely.

And, maybe you can understand, Dear One, that there’s a direct connection between that trust in my creative, true self, and in believing – trusting – that I am enough.

Each of us is a perfect presentation of ourselves – right here, right now.  And that’s where belief in yourself begins.


So, how about considering Today’s Prompt:

One of the worst enemies to belief and kindness to ourselves is “compare and despair.”

When we constantly compare ourselves against others, we either deflate ourselves by identifying ourselves as lacking, or we falsely inflate ourselves as superior to another.

What really matters is how you are unique and creatively expressing yourself as you.

I’ve shared how these Sunrise Pages have taught me about myself this year.  I don’t think I’m better than anyone else because I’ve done this; I simply believe it has helped me become a better me.

What are Ten Ways you creatively express your unique self in the World?


Love is the opposite of Fear, Dear One.  And, being open to the Flow of the Universe means being free from the grip of Fear.  Thank you for the guidance, My Spirit Guides!