Greetings, Abundant Universe!
And greetings, August! Just another of those imaginary demarcations we create to divide things up. Will today, in August, be substantially different than yesterday, in July? It’s noteworthy, I think, how consumed we get with time, and its passing.
How about energy and rest? I’m again beginning my day not recharged. Sleep Scale: 3/5. I’m recognizing this – my repeating pattern is to stay up too late when I want or “need” to get up early the next day. I tend to sleep soundly, but just not long enough. And, when I have a couple of “3” nights in a row, the depleted, dragging effect is cumulative.
Ultimately, when I do not recharge, I’m less likely to take on new challenges and venture into the Unknown. Why? Because, I’m aware that I do need to expend a lot of energy to find the will and fortitude to Journey into the Discomfort of the Unknown. So, when I already feel depleted, I’m less adventurous and less likely to journey into the challenge.
In fact, I’m more likely to look for shortcuts and to take the easy way out. I admit it. I’m more likely to compromise my Truth and Integrity, just to take a path that’s easier.
Even these morning writings – when I rise from my bed already drained, my mindset for writing is that I’m less willing and able to open fully to the Flow. In fact, I begin already secretly discouraging getting into the Flow and writing a lot, because it uses up time I don’t feel I have – both on the front end, in the morning when I need to finish up and get ready for work; as well as, at the end of the day when the more I wrote in the morning simply means the more there is to type up that night.
To put it simply – This is not how I want to feel; I do not want to close myself off from the Flow, in all the ways in my life, because I’m too tired and depleted.
So, why do I create this? And, maybe more importantly – what am I willing to do about it?
And, a Prompt for Today:
Connecting the Dots –
Dear One, have you been recording your Sleep Scale results? Start to notice if there’s a relationship between how rested you feel, and how your day flows.
This information can be the catalyst and encouragement for you to get more rest and practice self-care, giving you more energy to do Joyful Things.
Change begins with Awareness, then Intention, My Dear Guides. Thank you for starting me down this road!
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