Sunrise Pages August

Welcome the New Day, Generous Universe!

Well, it is an intense fog this morning.  Everything seems muffled, shrouded, and shapeless in the gray, muted light.

Regarding my rest, I went to bed late and got up early, but I feel well rested.  Sleep Scale: 4/5.

So, Dear One, the question today is – “How do we actually do the things that we think we really want to do?”

I’ve talked already about some of the roadblocks we face – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of not being “good enough,” fear that it won’t be as pleasing or fulfilling as we imagined, and fear of being seen as selfish, with others judging our desires and efforts.

We’ve looked at facing those fears to put them in the proper perspective.  We’ve talked about the grander Truth, that we’re strong enough and resilient enough to survive and grow from our efforts – despite our lizards’ shouts to the contrary.  We’ve played with imagining “What if…?” – painting the picture of how good it could feel, how fulfilling it could be, when we just try.

We’ve even discovered how the anticipation risk we feel when taking on something new and unknown is really a “YES!” from our True Self, telling us that we are on the right track.

So, Dear Pilgrim, all that’s left is to start.  And, oftentimes, this can seem the toughest moment of all.  One Law of the Universe is that things in motion tend to stay in motion.  Our lizards know this.  That is why they work so hard packing on the Fear on the front end.

Because, once we get started and are moving along our new path, it will become more comfortable and more enjoyable, almost every single time.

So, realize that your fearful thoughts and your concerns of selfishness, fatigue, and lack of time and space for this thing – Your Curiosity and Desire – is just your lizard’s last, biggest attempt to keep you from trying.  Because, your lizard knows that once you try, you’ll soon see that you can.

So try!


Please consider this Prompt:

Turtle Steps –

I’ve explained before what Turtle Steps are and how they work.

So, that’s not the issue.

What is the issue is that if you really want change in your life, you have to listen to what direction your Curiosity and Desire point.  You need that Compass Heading.

Then, create the smallest, most do-able step in that direction.  And, if you don’t accomplish it – as I’ve said before – it does not mean that you “aren’t meant” to do it; it just means your Turtle Step was too big.  Cut it in half  again and again, if necessary  until you complete that half.  Then move on to the next half step.

Dear Pilgrim, I can help you with this.  Perhaps reaching out to me could be that first Turtle Step that moves you toward your Fullest Life!


Moving Forward to my Dreams begins with this one step today.  Thank you, My Dear Guides!