Greetings, Divine Source!
This morning holds rain and even a chance of a thunderstorm, so I’m not sure what will happen with the kids’ event we have planned this morning. My guess is that there will be some adjusting and making things up on the fly.
It’s another opportunity to practice and play in a different arena that I wouldn’t necessarily choose to enter. It’s another opportunity to stretch and learn.
I had a chance to paddleboard with three other ODS instructors last night, as we did some in-season training. We ran through some in-class group dynamic scenarios, to practice and discuss how we would handle them. It also gave me a chance to practice my paddleboarding, and get some useful tips from these guys.
Each time I paddleboard, I feel like it really gives my body quite a workout. That, plus being on the still water in the evening, really helps put me at peace, and I slept pretty well last night – just not long enough. Sleep Scale: 3/5.
So, it’s some heavy rain this morning with the kids, and then I’ll be prepping for another book club call tonight. And, some more cleaning and preparing for our visitors on Friday.
It’s a pretty straight-forward agenda, with nothing too exciting, I expect. And, that’s okay. I think there will be space in my day to be mindful and creative, in a low-key and self-nurturing way. There will be the chance to continue my goal to de-clutter and simplify, as well as tune back in to the story of Diana and Awakening.
As I continue to awaken!
Here, Dear Pilgrim, is a Prompt for Today:
One act of self-nourishment –
Ask yourself what small act would feel most loving and nourishing to you today. Maybe it’s a nap, or listening to a favorite song (and singing along), or meditating in your sit spot.
Avoid trying to talk yourself into believing that some other “should” is your most-loving nourishment for today. This is about a few moments that will fill your soul.
I am at Peace, and Looking Forward to Today! Thank You, Great Creator!
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