Sunrise Pages August

Blessings, Generous Universe!

Another new day, Dear Creator; another beginning, another opportunity to play and explore who and how I want to be in the world.

The sunlight that was filling this valley earlier has been taken over by mostly cloudy skies.  Everything does seem a little greener, since the rain we received over the weekend.  It looks like there’s a chance for more in the next couple days, as well.

Sleep was pretty good last night.  I went to bed later than I planned, once again drawn in watching the Olympic coverage.  My Sleep Scale: 4/5.

We had a little adventure last evening when I arrived home.  On my way into our apartment building, I noticed a baby bird on the sidewalk adjacent to the parking lot.  It looked frail and wobbly as it wandered, eventually falling off the curb and wandering into the parking lot.

My wife came out to join me, and as we discussed what to do, and tried to contact an animal shelter or veterinarian for advice, another family approached, the father asking if we had seen the small bird.

The father informed us that he had already moved the bird away from the parking lot to the sidewalk once, and he talked about hoping we would bring the bird inside for the night.  They had a young son who was already thinking that the little bird could become their pet; which, I think, was discouraging the father from bringing in the bird with them.

We were all concerned about the health and safety of the little bird, but we weren’t sure about how best to proceed.  My philosophy tends to be the allowing of nature to take its course – that we often do more harm, even if unintentionally, by trying to do good.  Yet, my wife and I agreed to bring the bird inside.

Once inside, we were able to reach a recorded message from VINS (Vermont Institute of Natural Science), which specifically addressed that if one finds a baby bird seemingly alone and abandoned on the ground, that it is actually the process of a fledgling bird learning how to be a bird – learning how to feed, fly, protect itself, and all the things a bird needs to learn.

It is a risky time, but something each bird needs in order to learn and grow as a bird.

So, we did what we thought we needed to do, which was to bring the bird back outside; even though we moved it away from the parking lot.

And, we still are thinking of this little bird, hoping and wishing that it makes it.


A Prompt for Today:

Sometimes our urge and desire to protect and care may not ultimately be what helps the most.  Allowing challenge and difficulty invites creativity, resourcefulness, and resilience.

Can you recognize any areas in your life where you may be following your urge to protect and provide care, and yet it may be interfering with someone’s development of self-confidence and self-assurance?


Following my Heart, and trying to use Eagle-view to see the Big Picture.  Much Love, My Guides!