Sunrise Pages August

Greetings, Abundant Universe!

We meet for another day, Divine Creator.  What if it were true – that anything is possible?

Why does it seem more sensible, more responsible, and safer to believe that there are limits to what’s possible?  Who gets to decide what limits there are, and where they’re set?  To whom have I given this power, to define and declare the world in which I live?

Dear Pilgrim, what is it that you wish was true, yet are afraid to believe is possible?  Have you ever wondered from what it is that your lizard is trying to protect you?

This is an important question to examine, because you are then empowered to choose whether you need that protection, or if, instead, you will choose to expand your boundaries and dare to explore beyond your comfort and limits, into the land of extraordinary and potential.

The bigger, brighter world is always found when we go beyond our small self and self-imposed and self-accepted limitations, into the wild lands of our dreams and desires.  When we follow our curiosity about the world, and we test and challenge our potential, we continue to expand and experience new and wonderful lessons and experiences.

Is that magic?  It can sure feel like it, as we dare to try things our limiting beliefs and our lizard believed to be impossible.  We make connections we previously didn’t see, we create art out of thin air, we understand more, and we grow stronger in gentleness and compassion.

Until we try to climb our mountains, whatever form they take, we won’t see the view from the summit.  But, when we dare to try, we discover that it really is one step after another.


And now, a Prompt for your consideration:

Dear One – So, what are your mountains?  Where do you dare to dream to go, when you release yourself from your fears?

Write them down now – “If anything were possible, I would…”

Put this concrete evidence of your dreams someplace sacred and worthy, where you will see them every day.


Dreaming of my mountains beyond mountains, My Dear Guides!