Brilliance, Generous Universe!
Clear, blue skies this morning, with a touch of haze, and a few wisps of clouds in the distance, as the sun blazes brilliantly. And, the angle of light on the land, the yards, and the big red house/barn next door is the light that for some reason makes me nostalgic for my childhood, even though I didn’t have a perch like this by which to see the light splayed across the yards of my youth, and there was no big, red barn.
Was there?
However the magic of memories works, this view seems to pluck the heartstring to my youth, registering a subtle, lovely tone, vibrating with warmth and comfort.
So, I’m grateful. Grateful that I’ve moved hundreds of miles from my childhood, yet have a view that can trigger that tone, that warm and comforting…sensation?
Sleep was good last night. In bed around 10:30 p.m. to finish the latest chapter in Diana, Herself, then lights-out around 11 or so. And, I walked in the morning while chatting with Jeannine, then ran almost two miles to meet Joy and walk a ways with her. Over 22,000 steps, which I think got my body tired and primed for a good rest, as well. Sleep Scale: 5/5. That hasn’t happened since I started tracking my sleep.
For some reason, it took courage to ask Jeannine for something I need. Part of that had to do with clarity around what it was that I was really seeking. Jeannine was great holding me to the fire, as it were, challenging me to be uncomfortable until I articulated my need. Another part was her helping me recognize that my coaching voice and coaching practice has its own lizard, shouting Furies-thoughts of fear, loss, ruination, and failure.
So, Jeannine has challenged me to simply dictate the shouts of that lizard, as well as playfully sketch what the bugger looks like.
I’m not sure that will be for public consumption or not, but I plan to play with that in the next couple days.
For today, Dear Pilgrim, here’s your Prompt:
Name Your Dragon – So, Dear One, I’ve talked a lot about your lizard, that reptilian part of your brain that works overtime to protect you. The problem is that your lizard thinks anything new and different will likely kill you, so it tries to scare you away from every new idea and opportunity.
It’s time for you to name your lizard. Play with this notion, and see if anything comes to mind and just feels right.
Also visually, see if you can draw your lizard, or maybe find an image online that personifies it.
There is magic in naming and knowing your Dragons.
Stepping into the adventure of My Today! Here we go, Dear Guides!
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