Greetings, Brilliant Universe!
This morning is shrouded in fog here, as temperatures got chilly overnight. Everything seems still and silent; a momentary pause.
My sleep was sound, but once again too short. That is certainly something I can change – so, why haven’t I? Sleep Scale: 3.5/5.
I had quite a wonderful day yesterday. In yesterday’s Sunrise Pages, I had described yesterday morning as a roller coaster, mentally and emotionally.
After the 9-11 conversation with my wife, a fierce morning thunderstorm rolled through, the downpour seeming somehow appropriate for our moods.
I wrote my Pages, and then went right to typing and posting them; which I’m pretty sure I haven’t done before.
During the time it took for me to write, type, and post, the skies cleared, and it turned into a beautiful fall day.
We headed to a nearby site with a network of trails, and we enjoyed the cool, dry temperatures, the sunshine, and the breeze, while walking through a mixture of woods and pastures, up to a little mountain pond.
At the overlooks, we had crystal clear views of the nearby towns and surrounding hills, and we spotted the beginnings of leaves changing their colors for the fall.
We deeply enjoyed the views and the day, and each other’s companionship. We chatted and dreamed about the future. We covered a number of miles on a few different trails, most of the time seeming to have them all to ourselves.
There’s just something precious about getting outdoors, away from the din of a city; smelling the earth and leaves, and all the scents of nature; breathing it all in. My heart pumps with the exertion of uphills, while the fall breeze cools the sweat on my neck. I gaze over the rolling mountains and valleys, as I saunter down trails lined with pine needles and acorns; butterflies and moths glide over meadow flowers, and the sun sparkles on the mountain pond. Smiles come quickly, and breathing deep is easy; my heart and body feel light and joyful. .
A Prompt for you, Dear One:
Visit your sit spot, and just take the time to notice what is different from the last time you visited.
Can you feel the change to autumn? Are leaves brighter and more cheerful? Are there acorns and tree nuts on the ground, with armies of squirrels and chipmunks caching them away? How has the angle of the sun changed, and the coolness of the air?
Salute the change, and welcome the new season. At the same time, why not take some time to welcome whatever change it is that you wish to see in your own life?
Coming home to Wilderness – Thank You, My Strong, Loving Guides!
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