Sunrise Pages September

Glorious Morning, Beloved Creator!

Fog again, in the valley, but sunshine and warm temperatures beckon as we move into this day.  Sleep was sound but short – the chord I continuously sound for myself.  But, more about that, perhaps, in a moment.  Sleep Scale: 3/5.

My coffee maker died this morning, and my wife offered to stop and pick up a new one after her long work day.  Why would she do that?  Why is she so good to me?

She doesn’t drink coffee, so it’s absolutely an act of kindness from her.  I am very fortunate.


I had a couple of neat experiences yesterday that I want to share, Dear One.

First, an interesting gentleman came into the store.  He was tall and thin, and he appeared to be older than me.  He wore unusual clothing, long and flowing, bluish gray in color.  He was accompanied by a man and woman who I took, for some reason, to be his entourage.  He asked if we had a certain item, and I informed him, “No, we don’t carry that.  I’m sorry.”

And, with a deep calm, this complete stranger reached out and gently but firmly grabbed my left shoulder, looked me directly in the eye, and kindly said to me, “That’s okay.  You don’t need to be sorry.”

Yes – that’s it, isn’t it?  We don’t need to be sorry.  And, we especially don’t need to apologize for things out of our control, or when we don’t really mean it and are just saying it because we think that’s what someone else wants to hear.

But, he also showed me what it is to be in touch with The Big Picture, Eagle View, even when we’re in the minutiae of daily life.

I experienced another treat as I walked to the door to come in as I arrived home last evening.  A beautiful great blue heron flew low and directly overhead.  What a sight!


And finally, just to follow up about the sleep thing.  It’s a symptom of something deeper that I do – the stuff that I don’t like in my life, I have the tendency to place control and blame elsewhere.  I have to go to work; I’m on my feet all day; I don’t have enough time to rest, or do what really matters to me.

I am realizing that I have to accept that I don’t make the choices to control what I can control, to have what I need – like more sleep.  It’s really about ownership.  My ownership.


So, a Prompt:

Dear One, do you think you see people, and are willing to connect with them the way this gentleman reached out to connect with me?

Conversely, is this connection something you crave?  Do you wish others saw you more?

We must give to get.  Be the change you want to see in the world.


Another Angel in my life; another Guide, leading me home.  Thank You, Universe!