
Light and Love, Dear Universe!

Our valley is again shrouded in fog this morning.  Temperatures are forecast above average these next couple days, and then a cold front will move in for the second part of the weekend.  The fall colors are really popping.

Dear One, may we talk about that still, soft voice from our hearts?

It’s there, always.  We can hear it, when we get quiet enough to listen.

It’s our internal guidance system; our Compass Needle.  It continuously points us in the direction of our True North – Our Truth and Purpose!

Often, when we feel conflicted, or when we say we don’t know what to do, the truth is that we do know – that we can hear our heart’s message; but, we hesitate.  We doubt ourselves – whether we are strong enough, brave enough, and able enough; whether we are ready.

Integrity asks us to proceed onward, in the direction of Our Truth and Purpose, NOW.  Before we feel ready.

Because, the truth is, we never will feel completely ready.  We never think ourselves perfectly prepared.

The reality of this Journey of Discovery we are on, this Adventure of Living, is that we only receive wholeness, completeness, and fulfillment by undertaking The Journey; it’s in the daring to try; it’s in following our Compass Needle and pursuing Our Truth and Purpose.

Integrity is about heeding that still, small voice from our heart.  Answering its Call.  It’s our choice.


My Prompt for you:

Dear One, too often when we are in the midst of challenge and dilemma, we tell ourselves we don’t know what to do.

Often, this is because the shouts of our lizard’s fears and the concerns of our social self are spinning out of control and drowning out the still, soft voice from our heart, which already knows what action or choice best serves Our Truth and Purpose in the moment.

Breathe.  Get still.  Listen.  Feel.

What is it that you most want to do?

When you begin to listen and align with Your Integrity, you set yourself free.


Listening to our heart, we are guided.  When we act on that guidance, we live in our Personal Integrity.  It’s such an important reminder – Thank You, Dear Guides!