
Dear Universe,

Thank you for this day.  I’m greeted by a couple blue jays and a robin, on a gray day with a steady drizzle and a northwesterly breeze.

A lot of leaves are down, with the rain and wind of the last day.  We may even see some snow in the mountains overnight tonight.

It strikes me as such a pretty day.


In Martha Beck’s introduction to her DIY Integrity Cleanse Kit (digital), she comments that this effort isn’t for the faint of heart.

I am certainly thinking about integrity a lot more.  But, in the movement and moments of my days, in being at work every day, in making time and space to work the exercises of the introduction and first section – I’m struggling.

Part of that struggle, I believe, is precisely because of my thinking and beliefs.  There’s the belief that one needs to escape reality to find this kind of awareness.  Or, more accurately, Dear One – I have the belief that all I know and experience has to somehow stop, in order to find the Peace I seek.

I envision a retreat or pilgrimage, where we really do put our “regular life” on hold, in order to create space for the introspection, stillness, learning, and new practice.

Another part of me calls b.s. on that idea.  Dear One, in my heart I know that anything is possible – including being able to absorb and shift to this, even as I move within and through my “real” life.

Just like I shifted to writing – by writing.  Just beginning a practice.  “Knowing to do.”


Please consider this Prompt:

Dear One, what is it you desire in your life?  The big picture – so, not just the new car, new house, new mate, or new job (or whatever things you might desire) – but, what is it those things would ultimately symbolize for you – perhaps happiness, joy, security, peace, love, or purpose?

Do you tell yourself there’s no time or space for that thing in your current, “real” life?

We first need to drop our belief that we cannot have something we want, in order to begin to believe that we have the power and the right to claim it.


Dear Guides – believing that we can have what we want, is sometimes easier said than done.  Thanks for your Loving Support!