
With Love, Dear Universe –

It’s another cloudy gray morning, with more pink-orange highlights during the dawn.  It’s a cold morning, and we have rain and mountain snow moving in for a couple days.

This Integrity Cleanse seems really hard at times.  Because, I think, I see how radical a change it represents.  Yet, I also see how basic and simple it can be.

I accomplished a couple things yesterday that definitely satisfied me.  One was one of those things I’ve kept meaning to do, but have been avoiding – going to the town hall and registering to vote.  It was really important to me, yet I kept putting it off.  So, getting that done yesterday was a big deal to me.  I think this is a really important election.

I also finished listening to the audio for the first class of Martha Beck’s DIY Integrity Cleanse Kit (digital).  I always appreciate the way Martha relates and explains her concepts and ideas, and I get a lot out of what she offers.

It was nice, also, to hear the questions from participants, because I think I heard that deeper question that I’m asking, too – “I get the concept, but in my “real” life, it seems scary and upsetting – impossible, really – to consider always being truthful.  I will upset and hurt people.  It will make my life chaotic and dangerous, won’t it?  Can I really dare to live this way?  How will I survive?”

Martha assured the participants that this is just the beginning of a process that we are learning.  Right now, there’s nothing more to do than to just consider what she has offered, and to begin to observe how integrity relates to the way we are living.

We are starting internally.  Turtle steps.


Here’s a Prompt for you:

Often, we get frozen and stuck in our fears and thoughts, holding us back and making us more and more uncomfortable.  Then, we reach a breaking point, and we make a dramatic, intense, impulsive, and dangerous leap.

That leap can turn into an over-correction that unbalances us just as much, or more, in the other direction.

Think about how much we let things build up over time, until we burst into action with one choice that we hope will free us and fix the way we feel.

The Integrity Cleanse is a way to gently change how we make all our choices, with one truth, maintaining our balance and center.


Developing my Sense of Integrity, and any choice I make in integrity is positive movement.  This is the practice of a Way, and I am grateful for the guidance, My Teachers!