I’ve decided to directly post the Sunrise Pages I wrote this morning, along with a video message with me reading them — in hopes that you and I would both feel a stronger connection in this moment of disconnection and imbalance.

With Love —


Searching for Meaning and Hope, Dear Creator –

The morning started rainy and cold.  It remains gray and dreary.

Much like the mood of half this country this morning.  There’s a stunned disbelief.  Anger.  Fear.

In this moment, though, there is a truth to be heard, as well.

How did we get here?

I think it’s worth acknowledging that there are plenty of people who feel that they have not been being heard or represented in our so-called republic.  That their struggles are not seen or understood.  That they themselves are not seen, are not considered or included – that they do not matter.

The thing is, some people have been feeling that way for a lot longer than others.

In this moment, though, this seems certain – a lot more of us are feeling disconnected, unheard, and left behind.

I offer this, Dear Ones – We can start by recognizing and accepting our own discomfort, our own loss of balance.  Then, we can gently seek to expand our consciousness, in order to recognize the discomfort and imbalance that our loved ones, neighbors, community, and other citizens are feeling, each in her or his own unique but important way.

In this moment, Dear Ones, we can choose love or fear.

It can be tempting, can feel like a source of strength and power, to tap into your hurt, anger, and blame.  It can be tempting to lash out, and to draw lines of division.

The real truth, though, is that we all own this.  And, that there’s only us.

How do we begin to heal and repair?  What do we tell our kids?  What do we model?

Please, Dear Ones – for yourself and all of us – let’s choose loving-kindness, respect, forgiveness, and connection.


Ever Onward, Dear Creator!