
Alight, Alight, Precious Light!

We slept soundly in our own bed last night, back from our Thanksgiving road trip.  We had mixed precipitation and icy conditions on our drive back, so my wife and I took back roads and just took our time.  We arrived home safe and sound, happy to be together in our lives’ adventures.

It’s tough to see loved ones struggling; to get together on a day of gratitude and see them sad and broken-hearted.

I recognize myself in them.  Heck, these are the people from whom I learned that way to be.

When we’re looking for it, there are a multitude of reasons to feel hopelessness and despair – like war, people starving, and all of the struggles keeping us from feeling safe, secure, and enough.  It can be heart-breaking.

And, when that happens, our world shrinks.  So much feels threatening; we feel so vulnerable.  We’re right back to seeing our life as a struggle just to keep our head above water.

It can seem impossible to extend ourselves enough to consider what others might need; impossible to think that we have anything extra to offer, in order to help support another.

Our struggles, challenges, doubts, and fears are something we all share.  When we offer hope to another, we ourselves are lifted.  When we stop to appreciate the wonder and goodness of the world, our heart opens.  When we are grateful, we receive.

We can choose to look for goodness and beauty; we can choose to be kind; we can choose love instead of fear.  We can remember that we have a light that we can shine for others.


Please consider this Prompt:

On Thanksgiving, did you declare something for which you are thankful?  How does it feel to hold that gratitude in your heart?

Consider also, Dear One, if there are parts of your life that you wish were different; sitting and envisioning with detail what it is that you truly want.

Do you wish you worked less, spent more time doing a certain thing, or just felt more rested, relaxed, and at peace?  Visualize what it is that you want.  Feel how you imagine it will feel.

Now, write it down and put it someplace you’ll see it every day – “I WANT ____________ in my life!”

Set your compass to what you want, and you’ll move toward it.


Choosing Love over Fear feels risky, but it is the Path to bringing loving things into our lives.  Thanks for the Guidance, My Dear Spirits!