Transformation, Powerful Creator!

It is thickly overcast, the pavement is wet with puddles, and I can see water droplets glistening as they hang off nearby tree branches, empty of all but a few straggling, dried-up leaves.

Forward momentum, Dear One.



You know those people you hear about Dear One, and you admire how they show up in the world – the work they do, the effort they make, the things they create, or the risks they dare to take?  Or, the people you know more personally, who you appreciate for their kind and generous heart, their calm peace, or their upbeat attitude?

It can be easy to believe that they are somehow different from us – wired differently or built differently, or that they just have had greater opportunities and fewer challenges.

Nobody’s stories are exactly the same, but there are likely others with similar backgrounds to theirs; yet, they have not shown up in the world in the same way as these folks.  And, we may not be as different as we’d like to believe.

I believe how we show up in the world has less to do with our origins, history, and circumstances, and more to do with our courage to hold open our heart, our persistence to see the good in ourselves and others, our determination to do the thing we know to do, our generosity to accept, understand, and forgive ourselves and others, and our dedication to choosing Love over Fear.

To live this way always would be wonderful.  As often as we are able, is more practical, and is good enough.  Really.  Just ask these people you admire.


Please consider this prompt:

Dear One, make a list of ten people you admire, with a few words for each, denoting what you most admire in how they show up in the world.

Would you agree that these are traits you wish to exemplify?

Identifying and being mindful of these traits can help guide you in the choices you make in your daily life.

Here’s an example for you: Pick one of the people on your list and tell them how you see them and express your appreciation for who they are.  If you know them, start a conversation.  If you don’t, write them to let them know how you see and appreciate them.


Allow our heart to guide us to be the person we wish to be.  Blessings for this wisdom, My Dear Guides!