Good Morning, Dear Universe –

It rained throughout the night.  It’s still overcast, but brightening, this morning, with a chance of scattered showers throughout the day.

Yesterday’s posting mentioned turning downstream.  I’m thinking I should utilize that strategy more.

I can see where I’m carrying the belief, that there’s honor in struggle.

The truth is, there can be honor in everything.

The temptation, for me, can be to turn into struggle, on my quest for honor.  By choosing struggle, I repeat a known and predictable pattern – to see myself, and to believe I will be seen, as honorable.  Determined.  Heroic, even.

It also explains why I’ve so often chosen struggle; the harder road; a way that makes things harder.  I wind up worn down and beaten up; stressed, exhausted, and out-of-balance.

Because that’s heroic – right?  Isn’t that how a champion becomes a champion?

When I measure my value by how difficult my life is; how great my struggles are; and, whether others are seeing my battles – well, that creates a reality where I must constantly struggle, in order to feel good; in order to feel valuable.

I can also see how constantly choosing struggle would continuously dispel my inner peace.  Forever pushing back against anything and everything depletes my energy and throws me off-balance.

So, my new intention is to be aware, and to notice where and when I can turn downstream and avoid struggle.


So, I offer this Prompt:

Dear One, identify three areas in your life where you are struggling.  Visualize a way for each where you can turn downstream, resisting your urge to continue pushing and fighting upstream.

For each struggle, what would it mean to float downstream?  To allow?

Is there a part of you using struggle to earn honor and value?


Today, I will discover honor and value through efforts toward peace and balance.  Thank you, dHarma!