Alight, Amazing Creator!

A broken sky, this morning; with sunlight and blue cracking through in spots.  Once again, there was a moment of brilliant illumination, with the undersides of clouds lit up in a heavenly bright red that faded quickly a minute or so later.

Life is short, Dear One.  Moments are short.  But, the moments are numerous; plentiful; and, they fill our lives, when we are open and mindful enough to witness and appreciate them.

I mean, gosh – that blazing sky is a gift I can hold and carry with me in my mind’s eye, to center on and ground in, all day today.  If I choose to.

Already, though, my mind is racing to my tired body, my depleted spirit, and the workday in front of me.

I am planning to up my coach training to a new level.  I have concerns.  In many ways, though, words like concern or fear don’t seem accurate; because, how I’m thinking and feeling is so new and different from how I am used to feeling, when taking on some new challenge, such as this.


December 2 – a year ago today, I was in a multi-vehicle accident on an icy bridge.  My Jeep was totaled; but, I walked away, and nobody was seriously injured.

There was an extended moment when my Jeep was sliding, and I had no control.  I just hung on, and felt an odd sense of calm.  Cars behind me also slid out of control; all our cars colliding together in chain reactions.

I am very fortunate.  I am here.


A Prompt for Today:

It can be a challenge to hold a moment that we can carry and cherish throughout our day.

That doesn’t mean we should give up trying, Dear One.

Whether it’s a thought of the day, a mantra, or a sensation we experience while meditating – we can reward ourselves through the practice of mindfully carrying that with us.

It’s like making a practice that every time we hear a bell chime we nod in gratitude and remind our self of our peace.

Encourage more moments of beauty, gratitude, and peace, Dear One.


Continuing ever onward, aligned with the Spirit of the Universe, and Full of Love and Purpose, My Dear Guides!